The Department of Transport and Planning has released draft targets for all of Victoria’s 79 councils on where future homes should be built.
The targets form part of the government’s plan for Victoria to boost housing stock by 2.24 million homes by 2051 across the state.
Premier Jacinta Allan and Minister for Planning Sonya Kilkenny joined City of Kingston Mayor Jenna Davey-Burns to announce the draft targets for multiple LGA across Victoria on Sunday 16 June – with final targets to be released by the end of this year.
Victoria has the largest annual population growth of all Australian states, and it needs more than two million additional homes by the 2050s.
Premier Jacinta Allan said to give industry the confidence they need to get on and build, we need Government and all councils working towards the same goal.
“More homes for Victorians – in the right places,” she said.
The release has identified that more homes are needed in established suburbs – close to jobs, transport, education, and services – to give more young people the chance to live near where they grew up, and to reduce future growth pressure on families in Melbourne’s booming outer suburbs.
The draft council housing targets are largely based on access to the jobs, transport and services Victorians need.
Minister for Planning Sonya Kilkenny said that the government want to work in partnership with councils to build more homes in the areas where people want to live.
“Close to the people they love and the things they love to do,” she said.
The Knox LGA could have 47,000 new homes by 2051 under these targets – there are currently about 63,000 homes in Knox.
Knox Mayor, Councillor Jude Dwight said Knox Council is currently developing their own housing strategy that sets out their plan for managing housing growth and development to respond to the current and future housing needs of our community.
“Council recognises the need for more housing to accommodate our growing population,” she said.
“A scaled approach is needed with more change in some parts of Knox and limited change in other areas to protect our green and leafy character and areas of environmental significance.”
The Yarra Ranges has a target of 28,000, Cardinia Shire 36,000 and Maroondah 44,000.
Mayor Dwight said that while Knox Council know their population is expanding and we welcome people to our municipality, this will inevitably put more demands on our natural assets and the services and facilities that Council provides.
“Growth will put pressure on our transport network, drainage and other infrastructure, open spaces, schools, and health and community services,” she said.
“We need to ensure that the planned rate of growth does not result in negative impacts for our community.”
Residents across Victoria can have their say on the government’s targets until the end of August.
Mayor Dwight said she urges residents to get involved to ensure the community’s voice is heard during consultation.
“Knox Council will be making a submission on the government’s plan for Victoria and the most recent housing targets they have set for Knox,” she said.
“While we understand the government’s rationale for setting housing targets, we are yet to know how they have arrived at the targets proposed for Knox.”
The targets were outlined in the Housing Statement and are the next stage of the discussion Government is having with Victorians as part of the new plan for Victoria – a long-term vision for Victoria’s next 30 years.
The government is calling for submissions on the housing targets from 1 July to 30 August.
Residents can have their say on the government’s plan for Victoria or learn more about the draft housing targets at engage.vic.gov.au/shape-our-victoria