Annual Knox Factor sign ups open

Applications are now open. Picture: UNSPLASH

Singing and performing arts are on the horizon in Knox as the the applications for Knox Factor 2024 have now opened.

An annual talent competition, Knox Factor is open to singers of all skill levels who have a connection to Knox – a fantastic opportunity for those aspiring to pursue a career in singing and the performing arts.

Knox Factor 2023 winner, 17-year-old Carla Venkataya said she urges aspiring singers to seize the opportunity.

“For anyone who might find entering this competition a bit nerve wracking, a bit scary, I would say do it because everyone is so supportive,” she said.

“It’s a really good experience for you to get out on a different stage and perform for different people.”

“I found that being able to perform on the stage was very comfortable — it was very welcoming for me as someone who hadn’t done the competition before.”

The four age categories open to applicants are:

5 years – 11 years

12 years – 15 years

16 years – 20 years


To apply singers need to do is submit an un-edited video of themselves singing for a maximum of 2 minutes (on iPhone is fine) before 11:59pm Friday 2 August.

Following this, there will be three stages for those who progress:

Stage 2: Live heats

Stage 3: Semi-final,

Stage 4: Grand final, where our finalists will perform at Knox’s Carols by Candlelight.

All contestants will receive professional mentoring and training support in vocal technique, song writing and performance through the ASV Academy.

There will also be public performance opportunities including the Grand Final at Knox Carols by Candlelight.

Other prizes include studio recording time, musical equipment and exposure to music industry and local arts networks.

Most importantly, fun – the competition gives singers the chance to grow, learn new skills and make new friends.

For more information and the full list of terms and conditions, visit Knox Factor 2024 at