Monbulk Tiny Towns receives funding

Kallista Mechanics Hall. Picture: SUPPLIED

The State Government has backed more community-led projects in Monbulk’s tiny towns – with more than 200 new initiatives are set to make the smallest communities better places to live, work, stay and play.

Monbulk Member Daniela De Martino announced on Thursday 27 June that two new projects in the Monbulk District are being delivered through the first round of the $20 million Tiny Towns Fund.

From community halls to local sporting club upgrades, the funding is set to strengthen community connections and encourage more visitors from all corners of Victoria.

Kallista Mechanics Institute Hall has received $50,000 to deliver rejuvenation works to the Mechanics Hall, addressing essential maintenance and refurbishment of this historic hall to facilitate ongoing use by the local community.

This will include asbestos removal, improving kitchen functionality, a bathroom upgrade, exterior and interior painting, floor restoration, safety signage and an accessibility ramp.

Hilltop Recreation Association has received $45,500 to deliver asphalting of the surfaces surrounding the Olinda Reserve Social Rooms – this work will ensure the safety of the area for all users and will include a designated and flat Disability Parking section.

The rooms serve the biggest community organisations in the area and will also be used as an Emergency Centre during bushfires, storms or other disasters.

The program’s first round is bringing to life more than 200 projects across our smallest regional and outer metropolitan towns, each with fewer than 5,000 residents.

The successful projects celebrate each community’s local spirit and will drive visitation to these vibrant towns.

From local hall upgrades to sports club renovations, community and non-profit groups and councils are eligible for grants of up to $50,000 to get these community-driven projects off the ground.

The Federal Government’s Tiny Towns Fund is an initiative to create stronger communities, more tourism opportunities and backing more local jobs, with our $25 million Council Support Package also helping get shovel-ready projects off the ground in regional cities and surrounding towns.

The fund is a part of the Federal Government’s record $45 billion investment since 2014 in projects and programs to support regional and rural Victoria to be better places to live, work, stay and play.

The investment is also a way of creating more locals jobs close to home, more communities to have the infrastructure they need to thrive, and more visitors can experience everything the regions have to offer.

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