Small Change Grant Helps Emerald Arts Society Modernize Workspace

Emerald Arts Society will receive new tables for their facilities (SUPPLIED)

By Shamsiya Hussainpoor

Emerald Arts Society Incorporated will finally be getting rid of their old tables after receiving the Small Change Grant, funded by Cardinia Shire Council.

The old tables, dating back to the 1970s, are heavy and cumbersome, making it difficult for members to move them around.

The Arts Society president Russell Simpson said he’s looking forward to receiving the new tables.

“It’s very hard moving them around because of the age of some of our people, the newer tables have got wheels on them, and they can fold, which makes it a lot easier for us,” Mr Simpson said.

“Each tutor sets up the room to their own liking when they run classes, and I’m sure none of them will miss moving these old, heavy tables, which we should have gotten rid of a long time ago.”

The Art Society applies for grants annually to support their operations.

“Last weekend, we had a person teaching silver jewellery making and we’ve had about 20 people turned up, this meant the classroom had to relocate these heavy tables into what best suited them,” the Arts Society president said.

“The tables we need must be in good sizes, and a solid top, to suit people who are drawing on them, this means we can’t go out and buy tables from Bunnings because they’re no good for drawing on and because we use different inks, paints, and different things – it’s got to be able to stand up to that type of punishments.”

Mr Simpson said he’s very thankful for the Council’s support on granting them the fund they desperately needed.

The old tables will be repurposed or given to members, avoiding disposal.

“We have a person who wants a couple of them to put into their shed, and we want to repurpose them,” he said.