by Gabriella Vukman
A solid list of new contenders are running for positions in the upcoming Knox Council elections.
With electoral roles well and truly closed as of August, those enrolled to vote will receive Ballot packs in early October.
Sent out on October 7, these Ballot packs will contain candidate statements, a leaflet with instructions in various languages, a ballot paper, envelope and reply-paid envelope for ballot paper envelopes to go inside.
Voting in this council election is via post only and voting closes on Friday the 25th of October at 6pm.
All Knox Council wards have one vacancy each.
According to the VIctorian Electoral Commission, the number of state-enrolled voters in Chandler Ward rose by 53 people whereas the Dobson Ward’s state-enrolled voters fell by 144.
All positions in the Knox Council are being contested with four candidates vying for a position in the Chandler and Dobson Wards respectively.
The list of candidates for the Chandler and Dobson Wards is as follows:
Chandler Ward:
Paige Kennett
Ryan Bruce
Matt Harris
Jeff Kidney
Dobson Ward:
Meagan Baker
Tony Holland
Emily Cox
Joe Stroud
Apart from Dobson candidate Meagan Baker who was elected in 2022 and is currently a councillor, all other Dobson and Chandler Ward candidates were not elected in 2022.
The current Mayor of the Knox City Council Jude Dwight will not be running in this term’s election.
Having announced her withdrawal from council on her Facebook Page, Cr Dwight posted on the platform, “Four years ago, my Candidate statement began with the words ‘Give me just one minute and I’ll give you four years…’ I was given that one minute at the 2020 election, and I’ve worked hard to honour the commitment I made.”
Election results will be declared on Friday November 15.
In the weeks leading up to the election, the Star Mail will be running profiles on each potential Knox City Council candidate from the Chandler and Dobson Wards.