Life saving defib installed at Ferny Creek

Practicing life saving scenarios, with a side of disco to keep time. (Supplied).

The Ferny Creek Scout Group recently installed a defibrillator at the scout hall to serve the local community.

It is located on the outside of the scout hall, both the scout group and the wider community are grateful to Bendigo Bank. Bendigo Bank were generous to give the group a grant to purchase what is now the fourth defib in the Hills community.

Using electricity, a defibrillator is a device that uses to re-start the heart or shock it back into a normal rhythm and automated external defibrillators (AED) like the one installed are usually found in public spaces and can be used by anyone.

Pamela Lambert, the Ferny Creek Assistant Group Leader also organised a First Aid training evening in conjunction with Ambulance Victoria to show the Cubs, Scouts, Leaders, and parents how the life saving device works.

There were lessons on performing CPR, as well as singing the Bee Gee’s, ‘Stayin’ Alive’, to teach everyone the rhythm for compressions (100/120 beats per minute).

CPR can save lives, but needs to be started as soon as possible. It is also important to call 000 or 112 immediately to request an ambulance.

The kids learnt all about CPR and how the steps involved in CPR can be remembered through the acronym: DRS ABCD:

D: Check for DANGER


S: SEND for help

A: Check for clear AIRWAYS

B: Check for BREATHING

C: Start CPR

30 chest compressions

2 mouth breaths (with facemask)

Repeat until help arrives


People should then listen to the voice prompts on the defib machine.

CPR is a skill that everyone can learn.

Contact your nearest Training Centre to enroll in a course.