‘Pop up’ food market approaches in Upwey

The market is on Tuesday 21 January in Upwey. (Picture by: Hans Isaacson on Unsplash). 454124_01

People in the Upwey and Hills community have been invited to a food relief pop up stall next week in Upwey.

Foothills Community Care will host a pop-up market on Tuesday 21 January for anyone who needs it.

From 12.20 to 2pm at the Upwey Baptist Church, 21 Darling Ave – The volunteers will be giving away free fresh produce to anyone who needs it, with no bookings required.

People should bring your own bags (with a limit of 2 per person so the group can share the love).

Foothills gave big thanks to their friends at Outer East Foodshare on social media on Friday 17 January for helping with the event.

‘Spread the word and see you there!’ read the post.