Panda Rounds Round Dance Club returns to Boronia in February

The Panda Rounds 'Round Dance Club' in Boronia hosts its annual Intro to Round Dancing on Friday 21 February. (Supplied)

Panda Rounds: Introduction to Round Dancing

The Panda Rounds Round Dance Club in Boronia is holding their annual Introduction to Round Dancing evening on Friday 21 February at 6pm in the Boronia Progress Hall in Boronia Road near the corner of Dorset Road.

Parking is available at the rear. Refreshments provided.

This event is free for new dancers and will let you experience one of the easiest ways to learn to dance.

By the end of the evening you will be dancing round the room!

Booking essential. Please book by email to or send a text to Phil on 0425 720 442.

Beginners classes commence the following week. This year the teachers, Alison and Phil, have chosen Waltz as the first rhythm to be taught for the 8 – 10 week course. Each class is 1 hour and costs $15 per person. Later you will progress onto Rumba, Foxtrot and Two-Step.

Round Dancing is cued social ballroom dancing and a lot of fun. Bring a friend.