Collision in Emerald

By Tanya Steele

Two women came away with injuries today after a two-vehicle accident in Emerald.

Tuesday 11 March saw an accident along Beaconsfield-Emerald Road with two vehicles involved.

A CFA spokesperson said CFA responded to reports of a vehicle accident at around 10:09am.

“Three CFA units from Emerald and Upper Beaconsfield attended the scene alongside SES, Ambulance Victoria and Victoria Police,” they said.

Upon arrival, the CFA crews found a two-vehicle accident.

“No persons were trapped inside either vehicle,” they said.

A spokesperson from Ambulance media said Paramedics responded to an incident in Emerald at around 10:10am today.

“Two people were transported by road to Dandenong Hospital, both in stable conditions,” they said.

“A female in her 60s with lower body injuries, and a female in her 50s with upper body injuries.”

CFa said that the incident was deemed under control at 10:22 am and declared safe at 11:17 am.