Worth the wait


WITH bulk drippy stuff falling from the sky early on Saturday morning at Emerald Golf Club, members huddled in the shelter waiting for a little dry to break out.
Sure enough after a one-and-a-half hour wait the clouds rolled back to reveal a bonzer day.
It was the first round of the three round Summer Cup and Ross Martin (11) continued some brilliant golf with 74 off the stick to record a par score of +7. He was also top of the A Graders.
Allan Ecclestone (18) won the bikkies in B Grade on a countback from Peter Clowes (17) when both carded +6.
Others to become involved in calculations were Philip Crossley and Steve Town +6, Mark Starick +3, Dean Shannon +2 and Mike Litchfield +1.
Starick was nearest the pin on the 4th, Town the 7th, John Fisher the 12th and Litchfield showed how it should be done when he picked up the rewards on the 13th and the pro pin 18th.
Daisy Mackey heads up the ladies’ division by being two points ahead of Irene Cranston with Cranston promising to bridge the difference.
Wednesday’s Opulently Fabricated Golf (OFG) was a stableford event with a twist. After each three holes the stableford scores were multiplied to produce a score. It was Brian McCoy (33) who was the master of this format when he strode in with a score of 83, two ahead of the unlucky Graeme Fergus (18) on 81. Bobby Kennedy (23) had 58 points and Graham White (16) 53.
Next week is the second week of the Summer Cup and it will be interesting to see if anybody can rein Martin back to the field.