School of opportunities

COCKATOO Montessori School has made considerable enhancements to its educational program this year, following a successful first two years of operation.
Students at the independent, non-denominational school have a range of opportunities matching that offered in larger schools.
“There’s an educational feast to choose from,” said principal Karen Bennetts.
“This term we are offering creative movement which has dance and yoga elements – Auslan, taught by a visiting teacher from VicDeaf, and specialist lessons in music, art and P.E.
“Next term, we will be getting instrumental opportunities off the ground. It’s all very exciting.”
Cockatoo Montessori School is the first school in the Shire areas of Yarra Valley and Cardinia to offer the Montessori program from preschool to grade six.
The school is situated on five acres on the outskirts of Cockatoo.
Children work independently at their own pace, on their own or in groups.
“Our children also enjoy swimming lessons, camp, and many other incursions and excursions,” she said.
“All this has been possible in a school of less than 40 students due to the generosity of staff and parents in putting in extra hours on a voluntary basis.”
Further information may be obtained by contacting the school on 5968 1640 or visiting
The school is at Lot 1, Rainy Hill Road, Cockatoo.