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Knox Immerse winners announced

As Knox Immerse 2021 art festival comes to a close, Knox City Council has awarded several prizes to honour outstanding contributions to this year’s...

Knoxfield woman arrested for alleged thefts

A 24-year-old Knoxfield woman has been arrested and remanded for several alleged mail thefts on 8 December 2021. The woman is alleged to have...

Greens endorse local teacher for Streeton Ward

The Australian Greens Party have endorsed local teacher and environmentalist Wil Mikelsons for the upcoming February Streeton Ward by-election. Streeton Ward in the Yarra Ranges...

Yarra Ranges hard waste

Yarra Ranges Council is encouraging residents to make the most of their annual hard waste and bundled branch collection. Between January and March every household...

EPA encourages community to report illegal dumping

After discovering illegal dumping of chemicals in the Dandenong Ranges because of a community tip-off, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is encouraging members of...

Reaching out to those most in need

For most people, 2021 has been both difficult and challenging. For Cheryll Roach, it has been a year of tragedy and heartache. “When my dad...

Township tidy-ups underway

Yarra Ranges Council infrastructure teams are conducting additional township tidy-ups across the region to get villages, towns and urban centres in shape for a...

Second annual Light Up event a success

Anyone taking a walk through Upwey Main Street over the weekend would have seen the festive spirit come to life in the second annual...

20-12 Belgrave Park playspace upgrade completed

The Belgrave Lake Park Playspace has received a $1.2 million face lift with the renewal project officially being completed on Thursday 16 December. The project...

Gembrook Parks depot closing?

A number of residents in the Gembrook area are growing concerned that the local Parks depot may be closed in the near future and...

Have yourself a merry literary Christmas

Christmas is coming and there's no way escaping it... Oh wait, there is. After a scrumptious meal with families and friends – and especially...

The State Government forms the first landscape conservation area

Some 3,000 hectares of biodiversity rich land and water frontages throughout the Yarra Ranges and Cardinia Shire will be preserved under a new ten...


Dig deep for Dignity Drive this March

Share the Dignity, the leading charity and advocate for ensuring every woman and girl has access to period products, is in the midst of...

New places to play